Nu kan i bestille pizza igen! 🍕😍
Mascarpone -mozzarella –frisk tomat –kartoffel –rosmarin –sort peber/ Mascarpone –mozzarella –fresh tomato –potatoes –rosemary –black pepper(Vegetarian)
Tomat -mozzarella -pepperoni -parmesan /Tomato –mozzarella –pepperoni –parmesan
Tomat -mozzarella –urtekogt skinke -champignon –artiskok /Tomato –mozzarella –ham –mushrooms –artichoke
Tomat –frisk mozzarella –basilikum (Vegetar) / Tomato –mozzarella –basil (Vegetarian)
Tomat – “Havgus 12” – salciccia - kål /Tomato – “Havgus 12” – salciccia - cabbage
Mascarpone -mozzarella –frisk tomat –kartoffel –rosmarin –sort peber/ Mascarpone –mozzarella –fresh tomato –potatoes –rosemary –black pepper(Vegetarian)
85,00 kr.Calzone -tomat -mozzarella -urtekogt skinke /Calzone -tomato –mozzarella –ham
Tomat -mozzarella -pepperoni -parmesan /Tomato –mozzarella –pepperoni –parmesan
95,00 kr.Tomat -mozzarella –urtekogt skinke -champignon –artiskok /Tomato –mozzarella –ham –mushrooms –artichoke
95,00 kr.Lam –persille –rødløg -sumak - Hvidløg /Lamb –persille –red onion -sumak - Garlic
Tomat -mozzarella -oksefars –marinerede grøntsager /Tomato –mozzarella –beef –marinated vegetables
Creme fraiche -osten” Gammel knas” - peberbacon –karamelliserede løg /Creme fraiche –Danish cheese “Gammel Knas” –Pepper bacon, caramelized onions
Tomat - mozzarella - nduja (stærk salami) - grillet peberfrugt - citron /Tomato - mozzarella - nduja (hot salami) grilled pepper - lemon
Cæsar salat med kylling med parmesan & croutons /Cæsar salad with chicken with parmesan & croutons
Sprød spidskålsalat med sesamdressing & varmrøget laks /Crispy salads withcabbage, sesame dressing & hot smoked salmon
Salat af tomater med stracciatella, olivenolie & basilikum (Vegetar)/ Tomato salad with stracciatella., olive oil & basil
Salat niçoise med æg, oliven, kartofler & bonito tun /Salad niçoise with egg, olive, potatoes & bonito tuna
Club sandwich med karrydressing, kylling & sprød bacon /Club sandwich with curry dressing, chicken & crispy bacon
Røget laks med flødeost og avocado /Smoked salmon with crème cheese & avocado
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